Brianne Farrell

Brianne Farrell

B.S. in Public Relations, '16

About Brianne

Brianne Farrell (‘16) has a motto: “Better Comes Before Best.” That motivates her to see every day as an opportunity to grow, to learn, and to make progress in her Public Relations career. She developed that value at PBA, where she was surrounded by encouragement and support to become her best self. 带着上帝的呼召和经过考验的成功技能毕业, Brianne is confidently offering her unique voice to the world. Check out her Sailfish story.

Describe your current job role:

我是佛罗里达州西拼搏体育的Gunster律师事务所的沟通协调员. Gunster专注于商业法,成立于近90年前,在全州有13个办事处. My office is right across the street from PBA! I get to do a little bit of everything in the marketing department. 我主要负责日常沟通活动,以推进公司200名律师的业务发展战略. 这些推广的范围从媒体公告和电子邮件活动到网站内容和社交媒体. I’ve also expanded into being an event planner, 组织会议,包括接待佛罗里达州的立法者,与佛罗里达州的商业领袖举行大型行业会议.

我还在佛罗里达大学攻读数字政治传播硕士学位. 虽然我怀疑我是否能够处理一个全职工作除了研究生院, 事实证明,我所受的教育和所掌握的技能在我目前的工作中是无价之宝. 我鼓励任何考虑继续深造的人尽快去做!

Majoring in Public Relations at PBA

PBA offers engaged professors and valuable hands-on opportunities to learn. 对Brianne来说,这意味着高风险的实习和当地的专业人脉. Majoring in Public Relations at PBA meant that Brianne wasn’t just ready to launch a career; she was surrounded by a circle of support, and her success was everyone’s goal.

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What professional experience(s) did you have prior to your current role?

在PBA,我很早就意识到毕业前实习和实际经验的价值. At PBA, 我很幸运地在Shamin Abas公共关系公司实习,在那里我与高净值客户一起工作,以确保纽约时报的媒体报道, Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Gotham, Haute Living, Trillionaire Magazine, etc. 我还在美国公共关系协会(Public Relations Society of America,简称PRSA)当地分会实习,协助他们开展数字媒体活动. 通过这些,我在PBA创办了美国公共关系学生协会(PRSSA)分会. 我的实习帮助我与成功的商业领袖建立了联系,他们引导我追求我的使命.


我认为很容易把你的课程和大学经历放在一个盒子里,觉得它不一定适用于你在大学以外做的任何事情. But if I’ve learned anything from being a working professional, it’s that every step is a part of the goal. 当然,有些课程不会是你最喜欢的,你可能不得不经历一些具有挑战性的障碍(看看你, Accounting), 但我无法告诉你有多少次我对在课堂上学到的东西心存感激. 活在当下并吸收你现在所学的一切是非常重要的, because it will be a vital tool in your career. 成为专业人士是一个巨大的团队项目,所以现在就开始准备吧.

“Being a working professional is one giant group project…”

How did PBA prepare you for the world of work?

我在PBA的教育最大的区别之一是,在我离开教室之前,我就接受了职业水平的培训. Through the senior capstone course in the PR program, 我有机会为动物农业联盟(一个行业联合组织)开发和实施BAEcon活动, 非营利组织,帮助弥合农场和餐桌之间的沟通差距. 该活动的目的是教育那些被动物保护组织作为目标的大学生,让他们在做出可能影响他们余生的饮食选择之前“了解事实”. 该活动包括向大学生发放免费培根,同时通过向他们传递有关农业的积极信息来吸引他们. BAEcon活动取得了令人难以置信的成功,我甚至有机会在华盛顿度过我的高中期末周, D.C. presenting the campaign to high-level agriculture industry leaders.

我本科生涯中最大的成就是担任了3年的学生干部. Through the Student Activities Board and Steering Committee, 我学到了如何成为一个高效的领导者,以及追求卓越的意义. 一开始是作为一个创造性的出口,最终把我塑造成今天的专业人士,并给我带来了一些我所知道的最好的友谊和指导.


Just like it can be easy to put your classes in a box, it can be just as easy to put your jobs in a box. You may end up with your dream job right out of college, or you may not, but both of those jobs will equip you for what lies ahead. The university theme my senior year at PBA was “Press on to the Goal,” and that theme couldn’t have been more fitting for that time in my life. Whether it’s your college classes prepping you for the real world, or all the jobs that will prep you for your dream job, each step will mold you into something better. 有一次我听到的一句话成为了我职业生涯的座右铭,那就是“更好的先于最好的”. Getting better happens over time and best only comes after a ton of betters.”

a faculty member sitting behind a desk smiling

Career Preparation at PBA

What starts at PBA doesn’t end here. 开放地学习和寻求支持是你作为旗鱼学习的成功秘诀的一部分. 接受帮助和给予帮助总是一个社区的基石,共同努力,产生持久的影响.

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自进入职场以来,你有没有在你的专业领域得到过任何人的指导? If so, what impact has that had on you?

我很幸运,我的专业导师最终成为了每天在工作时离我只有几英尺远的人. My coworker Kim has challenged me and encouraged me, and made my transition from college to career nearly seamless. 我鼓励每个人在职业生涯的各个阶段都找一位专业导师, because you need to be poured into before you can overflow into others.

Spotlight posted in June 2018. For current updates from Brianne, visit her LinkedIn page.

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